Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
A: Simply open the app and press on the the ‘Create Look’ button next to any item. Select items from Love tab or the For You section, and our AI stylist will help you put together a stunning outfit.
A: Yes! When you view an item or a look, click on any item to see purchasing options. You can buy items directly through our affiliated retailers by pressing the Visit Shop button.
A: Our AI technology analyzes the style, color, and pattern of the items you like and searches our database for similar pieces. It's perfect for finding alternatives or complementing pieces.
A: Save the item to your 'Loved Items' list. We’ll notify you if it comes back in stock or if we find a similar item.
A: After creating a look, tap the ‘Save Look’ button. You can access all your saved looks in the 'Looks' section.
A: Absolutely. We prioritize your privacy and security. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we protect and use your data.
A: We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please email us at with a description of the issue and any screenshots if possible. We’ll work to fix it promptly.
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